Chapter 44: Declarations

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Section 44.1: Calling a function from another C file


#ifndef  FOO_DOT_H /* This is an “include guard” */

#define FOO_DOT_H /* prevents the file from being included twice. */

/* Including a header file twice causes all kinds */

/* of interesting problems.*/


* This is a function declaration.

* It tells the  compiler  that  the  function  exists  somewhere.


void  foo(int  id,  char  *name);

#endif /* FOO_DOT_H */


#include  “foo.h”            /* Always include the header file that declares something

* in the C file that defines it. This makes sure that the

* declaration  and  definition  are  always  in-sync.            Put  this

* header first in foo.c to ensure the header is self-contained.


#include  <stdio.h>


* This is the function definition.

* It is the actual body of the function which was declared elsewhere.


void foo(int id, char *name)


fprintf(stderr,  “foo(%d,  \”%s\”);\n“,  id,  name);

/* This will print how foo was called to stderr – standard error.

* e.g., foo(42, “Hi!”) will print `foo(42, “Hi!”)`




#include “foo.h”

int main(void)


foo(42,  “bar”);

return  0;


Compile and Link

First, we compile both foo.c and main.c to object files. Here we use the gcc compiler, your compiler may have a different name and need other options.

$ gcc  -Wall  -c  foo.c

$ gcc -Wall -c main.c

Now we link them together to produce our final executable:

$ gcc -o testprogram foo.o main.o

Section 44.2: Using a Global Variable

Use of global variables is generally discouraged. It makes your program more difficult to understand, and harder to debug. But sometimes using a global variable is acceptable.


#ifndef /* This is an “include guard” */



* This tells the compiler that g_myglobal exists somewhere.

* Without “extern”, this would create a new variable named

* g_myglobal in _every file_ that included it. Don’t miss this!


extern int g_myglobal; /* _Declare_ g_myglobal, that is promise it will be _defined_ by

* some module. */

#endif /* GLOBAL_DOT_H */


#include “global.h” /* Always include the header file that declares somethin

* in the C file that defines it. This makes sure that the

* declaration  and  definition  are  always  in-sync.


int g_myglobal; /* _Define_ my_global. As living in global scope it gets initialised to 0

* on program start-up. */


#include “global.h”

int main(void)


g_myglobal  =  42;

return  0;


See also How do I use extern to share variables between source files?

Section 44.3: Introduction

Example of declarations are:

int  a;  /*  declaring  single  identifier  of  type  int  */

The above declaration declares single identifier named a which refers to some object with int type.

int  a1,  b1;  /*  declaring  2  identifiers  of  type  int  */

The second declaration declares 2 identifiers named a1 and b1 which refers to some other objects though with the same int type.

Basically, the way this works is like this – first you put some type, then you write a single or multiple expressions separated via comma (,) (which will not be evaluated at this point – and which should otherwise be referred to as declarators in this context). In writing such expressions, you are allowed to apply only the indirection (*), function call ((  )) or subscript (or array indexing – [  ]) operators onto some identifier (you can also not use any operators at all). The identifier used is not required to be visible in the current scope. Some examples:

/* 1 */ int /* 2 */ (*z) /* 3 */ , /* 4 */ *x , /* 5 */ **c /* 6 */ ;

#                                                              Description

  1. The name of integer type.
  2. Un-evaluated expression applying indirection to some identifier z.
  3. We have a comma indicating that one more expression will follow in the same declaration.
  4. 4 Un-evaluated expression applying indirection to some other identifier x.

5 Un-evaluated expression applying indirection to the value of the expression (*c).

6 End of declaration.

Note that none of the above identifiers were visible prior to this declaration and so the expressions used would not be valid before it.

After each such expression, the identifier used in it is introduced into the current scope. (If the identifier has assigned linkage to it, it may also be re-declared with the same type of linkage so that both identifiers refer to the same object or function)

Additionally, the equal operator sign (=) may be used for initialization. If an unevaluated expression (declarator) is followed by = inside the declaration – we say that the identifier being introduced is also being initialized. After the = sign we can put once again some expression, but this time it’ll be evaluated and its value will be used as initial for the object declared.


int  l  =  90;  /*  the  same  as:  */

int  l;  l  =  90;  /*  if  it  the  declaration  of  l  was  in  block  scope  */

int  c  =  2,  b[c];  /*  ok,  equivalent  to:  */

int  c  =  2;  int  b[c];

Later in your code, you are allowed to write the exact same expression from the declaration part of the newly introduced identifier, giving you an object of the type specified at the beginning of the declaration, assuming that you’ve assigned valid values to all accessed objects in the way. Examples:

void f()


int  b2;  /*  you  should  be  able  to  write  later  in  your  code  b2 which will directly refer to the integer object

that b2  identifies  */

b2  =  2;  /*  assign  a  value  to  b2  */

printf(“%d”,  b2);  /*ok  –  should  print  2*/

int  *b3;  /*  you  should  be  able  to  write  later  in  your  code  *b3  */

b3  =  &b2;  /*  assign  valid  pointer  value  to  b3  */

printf(“%d”,  *b3);  /*  ok  –  should  print  2  */

int  **b4;  /*  you  should  be  able  to  write  later  in  your  code  **b4  */

b4  =  &b3;

printf(“%d”,  **b4);  /*  ok  –  should  print  2  */

void  (*p)();  /*  you  should  be  able  to  write  later  in  your  code  (*p)()  */

p  =  &f;  /*  assign  a  valid  pointer  value  */

(*p)();  /*  ok  –  calls  function  f  by  retrieving  the

pointer value inside p – p

and dereferencing it – *p

resulting in a function

which is then called – (*p)() –

it is not *p() because else first the () operator is

applied to p and then the resulting void object is

dereferenced which is not what we want here */


The declaration of b3 specifies that you can potentially use b3 value as a mean to access some integer object.

Of course, in order to apply indirection (*) to b3, you should also have a proper value stored in it (see pointers for more info). You should also first store some value into an object before trying to retrieve it (you can see more about this problem here). We’ve done all of this in the above examples.

int  a3();  /*  you  should  be  able  to  call  a3  */

This one tells the compiler that you’ll attempt to call a3. In this case a3 refers to function instead of an object. One difference between object and function is that functions will always have some sort of linkage. Examples:

void f1()



int f2(); /* 1 refers to some function f2 */



int f2(); /* refers to the exact same function f2 as (1) */



In the above example, the 2 declarations refer to the same function f2, whilst if they were declaring objects then in this context (having 2 different block scopes), they would have be 2 different distinct objects.

int  (*a3)();  /*  you  should  be  able  to  apply  indirection  to  `a3`  and  then  call  it  */

Now it may seems to be getting complicated, but if you know operators precedence you’ll have 0 problems reading the above declaration. The parentheses are needed because the * operator has less precedence then the ( ) one.

In the case of using the subscript operator, the resulting expression wouldn’t be actually valid after the declaration because the index used in it (the value inside [ and ]) will always be 1 above the maximum allowed value for this object/function.

int  a4[5];  /*  here  a4  shouldn’t  be  accessed  using  the  index  5  later  on  */

But it should be accessible by all other indexes lower then 5. Examples:

a4[0],  a4[1];  a4[4];

a4[5] will result into UB. More information about arrays can be found here.

int  (*a5)[5]();  /*  here  a4  could  be  applied  indirection indexed

up to (but not including) 5

and called */

Unfortunately for us, although syntactically possible, the declaration of a5 is forbidden by the current standard.

Section 44.4: Typedef

Typedefs are declarations which have the keyword typedef in front and before the type. E.g.:

typedef  int  (*(*t0)())[5];

t0 pf;

(you can technically put the typedef after the type too – like this int  typedef  (*(*t0)())[5]; but this is discouraged) The above declarations declares an identifier for a typedef name. You can use it like this afterwards:

Which will have the same effect as writing:

int  (*(*pf)())[5];

As you can see the typedef name “saves” the declaration as a type to use later for other declarations. This way you can save some keystrokes. Also as declaration using typedef is still a declaration you are not limited only by the above example:

int  (*(*pf)())[5];

Is the same as:

int  (*(**pf1)())[5];

Section 44.5: Using Global Constants

Headers may be used to declare globally used read-only resources, like string tables for example.

Declare those in a separate header which gets included by any file (“Translation Unit“) which wants to make use of them. It’s handy to use the same header to declare a related enumeration to identify all string-resources:




typedef  enum  {  /* Define  a  type  describing  the  possible  valid  resource  IDs.  */

RESOURCE_UNDEFINED  =  -1,  /*  To  be  used  to  initialise  any  EnumResourceID  typed  variable  to  be

marked as “not in use”, “not in list”, “undefined”, wtf.

Will say un-initialised on application level, not on language level.

Initialised uninitialised,  so  to say  😉

Its like NULL for pointers ;-)*/

RESOURCE_UNKNOWN  =  0,            /*  To  be  used  if  the  application  uses  some  resource  ID,

for which we do not have a table entry defined, a fall back in case

we _need_ to display something, but do not find anything

appropriate. */

/* The following identify the resources we have defined: */




/*  Insert  more  here.  */

RESOURCE_MAX /* The maximum number of resources defined. */

}  EnumResourceID;

extern  const  char  *  const  resources[RESOURCE_MAX];  /*  Declare,  promise  to  anybody  who  includes

this, that at linkage-time this symbol will be around. The 1st const guarantees

the strings will not change, the 2nd const guarantees the string-table entries

will never suddenly point somewhere else as set during initialisation. */


To actually define the resources created a related .c-file, that is another translation unit holding the actual instances of the what had been declared in the related header (.h) file:


#include  “resources.h”  /*  To  make  sure  clashes  between  declaration  and  definition  are

recognised by the compiler include the declaring header

into the implementing, defining translation unit (.c file).

/* Define the resources. Keep the promise made in resources.h. */

const  char  *  const  resources[RESOURCE_MAX]  =  {






A program using this could look like this:


#include <stdlib.h> /* for EXIT_SUCCESS */

#include <stdio.h>

#include  “resources.h”

int main(void)


EnumResourceID  resource_id  =  RESOURCE_UNDEFINED;

while ((++resource_id) < RESOURCE_MAX)


printf(“resource  ID:  %d,  resource:  ‘%s’\n“,  resource_id,  resources[resource_id]);




Compile the three file above using GCC, and link them to become the program file main for example using this:

(use these -Wall  -Wextra  -pedantic  -Wconversion to make the compiler really picky, so you don’t miss anything before posting the code to SO, will say the world, or even worth deploying it into production)

Run the program created:

$  ./main

And get:

resource ID: 0, resource: ”

resource ID: 1, resource: ‘OK’

resource ID: 2, resource: ‘Cancel’

resource ID: 3, resource: ‘Abort’

Section 44.6: Using the right-left or spiral rule to decipher C declaration

The “right-left” rule is a completely regular rule for deciphering C declarations. It can also be useful in creating them.

Read the symbols as you encounter them in the declaration…

*       as  “pointer  to”                           – always  on  the  left side []     

     as  “array  of”                              – always on the right side ()  

      as  “function  returning”          – always on the right side

How to apply the rule STEP 1

Find the identifier. This is your starting point. Then say to yourself, “identifier is.” You’ve started your declaration.


Look at the symbols on the right of the identifier. If, say, you find () there, then you know that this is the declaration for a function. So you would then have “identifier is function returning”. Or if you found a [] there, you would say “identifier is array of”. Continue right until you run out of symbols OR hit a right parenthesis ). (If you hit a left parenthesis (, that’s the beginning of a () symbol, even if there is stuff in between the parentheses. More on that below.)


Look at the symbols to the left of the identifier. If it is not one of our symbols above (say, something like “int”), just say it. Otherwise, translate it into English using that table above. Keep going left until you run out of symbols OR hit

a left parenthesis (.

Now repeat steps 2 and 3 until you’ve formed your declaration.

Here are some examples:

int  *p[];

First, find identifier:

int  *p[];


“p is”

Now, move right until out of symbols or right parenthesis hit.

int  *p[];


“p is array of”

Can’t move right anymore (out of symbols), so move left and find:

int  *p[];


“p is array of pointer to”

Keep going left and find:

int  *p[];


“p is array of pointer to int”.

(or “p is an array where each element is of type pointer to int”)

Another example:

int *(*func())();

Find the identifier.

int *(*func())();


“func is”

Move right.

int *(*func())();


“func is function returning”

Can’t move right anymore because of the right parenthesis, so move left.

int *(*func())();


“func is function returning pointer to”

Can’t move left anymore because of the left parenthesis, so keep going right.

int *(*func())();


“func is function returning pointer to function returning”

Can’t move right anymore because we’re out of symbols, so go left.

int *(*func())();


“func is function returning pointer to function returning pointer to”

And finally, keep going left, because there’s nothing left on the right.

int *(*func())();


“func is function returning pointer to function returning pointer to int”.

As you can see, this rule can be quite useful. You can also use it to sanity check yourself while you are creating declarations, and to give you a hint about where to put the next symbol and whether parentheses are required.

Some declarations look much more complicated than they are due to array sizes and argument lists in prototype form. If you see [3], that’s read as “array (size 3) of…”. If you see (char  *,int) that’s read as *”function expecting (char ,int) and returning…”.

Here’s a fun one:

int  (*(*fun_one)(char  *,double))[9][20];

I won’t go through each of the steps to decipher this one.

*”fun_one is pointer to function expecting (char ,double) and returning pointer to array (size 9) of array (size 20) of int.”

As you can see, it’s not as complicated if you get rid of the array sizes and argument lists:

int (*(*fun_one)())[][];

You can decipher it that way, and then put in the array sizes and argument lists later.

Some final words:

It is quite possible to make illegal declarations using this rule, so some knowledge of what’s legal in C is necessary. For instance, if the above had been:

int *((*fun_one)())[][];

it would have read “fun_one is pointer to function returning array of array of pointer to int”. Since a function cannot return an array, but only a pointer to an array, that declaration is illegal.

Illegal combinations include:

[]() – cannot have an array of functions

()() – cannot have a function that returns a function

()[] – cannot have a function that returns an array

In all the above cases, you would need a set of parentheses to bind a * symbol on the left between these () and []

right-side symbols in order for the declaration to be legal.

Here are some more examples:


int i;                                     an int

int  *p;                                   an  int  pointer  (ptr  to  an  int)

int  a[];                                an  array  of  ints

int  f();                                 a function returning an int

int  **pp;                              a  pointer  to  an  int  pointer  (ptr  to  a  ptr  to  an  int) int

 (*pa)[];                        a  pointer  to  an  array  of  ints

int  (*pf)();                         a pointer to a function returning an int

int  *ap[];                            an  array  of  int  pointers  (array  of  ptrs  to  ints) int

 aa[][];                          an  array  of  arrays  of  ints

int  *fp();                       a function returning an int pointer

int  ***ppp;                      a  pointer  to  a  pointer  to  an  int  pointer int

 (**ppa)[];                        a  pointer  to  a  pointer  to  an  array  of  ints

int  (**ppf)();                   a pointer to a pointer to a function returning an int int

 *(*pap)[];                       a  pointer  to  an  array  of  int  pointers

int  (*paa)[][];                a  pointer  to  an  array  of  arrays  of  ints

int  *(*pfp)();                 a pointer to a function returning an int pointer int

 **app[];      an  array  of  pointers  to  int  pointers

int  (*apa[])[];                an  array  of  pointers  to  arrays  of  ints

int  (*apf[])();                an array of pointers to functions returning an int int  

*aap[][];                         an  array  of  arrays  of  int  pointers

int  aaa[][][];                  an  array  of  arrays  of  arrays  of  int

int  **fpp();                   a function returning a pointer to an int pointer int

 (*fpa())[];                      a function returning a pointer to an array of ints

int   (*fpf())();                a function returning a pointer to a function returning an int


int af[](); an array of functions returning an int a

int fa()[]; function returning an array of ints

int ff()(); a  function  returning  a  function  returning  an  int a

int (*pfa)()[]; pointer to a function returning an array of ints an

int aaf[][](); array of arrays of functions returning an int

int (*paf)[](); a  pointer  to  a  an  array  of  functions  returning  an  int

int (*pff)()(); a pointer to a  function  returning  a  function  returning  an  int an array

int *afp[](); of functions returning int pointers

int afa[]()[]; an  array  of  functions  returning  an  array  of  ints

int aff[]()(); an array  of  functions  returning  functions  returning  an  int a

int *fap()[]; function returning an array of int pointers

int faa()[][]; a  function  returning  an  array  of  arrays  of  ints

int faf()[](); a function  returning  an  array  of  functions  returning  an  int a

int *ffp()(); function returning a function returning an int pointer


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